, Mr. Liddell said it is “reasonable to think we’re in an interest rate-increasing environment over the next three to five years,” which would help GM to fund its pension. He said GM “is not relying on that.” The “first call” on GM’s cash is engineering and marketing, he said, while repaying debt and making pension plan contributions are secondary.
As General Motors has shrunk, its pool of U.S. retirees has swelled. Today there are almost 700,000 GM retirees and just 70,000 active workers, a 10-1 ratio. The company’s $100 billion pension fund is twice the market capitalization of the automaker itself, and keeping up with funding obligations acts like a ball and chain on GM’s core car-making business. Small swings in the value of the pension plan can have massive effects on the value of the company. “That’s no way to run a company,” said GM’s chief financial officer Christopher Liddell.
I met with Liddell during the Detroit auto show this week, and he talked extensively about GM’s more conservative financial philosophy since emerging from bankruptcy in July 2009. GM’s objective is to carry no debt, fully fund its pension plan, and pay for its day-to-day operations using cash generated from the sale of cars and trucks. It sounds so simple, but that’s not the way GM has been run in many years.
GM took a big step in that direction Friday, announcing it had contributed $2 billion in newly minted GM stock to its U.S. pension plan, on top of $4 billion in cash it had contributed a couple of months back to try to bring that pension fund closer to fully funded status. As of the end of 2009, the portfolio was $17.1 billion short of what it should have, under government rules, to cover its current and future pension obligations.
The gap likely closed some in 2010, thanks to strong market returns, but the gains could be offset by further swelling in the retiree ranks. GM plans to give an annual update on the health of its pension plan next month when it announces its fourth-quarter financial results.
Three factors determine the health of any pension fund: asset returns, company contributions and the discount rate, which is used to calculate the present value of pension liabilities and is tied to interest rates. In the past, market swings and interest rates would cause GM’s pension fund to fluctuate wildly between being overfunded and underfunded. In the 1990s, GM borrowed heavily to pay off its pension plan, saddling itself with hefty interest payments. As long as the stock market remained high, the value of the assets in GM’s portfolio exceeded its liabilities. But even a change in the discount rate could cause big swings in the plan’s funding status.
Between 2005 and 2007, GM’s pension plan was in great shape, and the company didn’t need to make any contributions. But then the equity and credit markets collapsed, coupled with declines in the discount rate (which made the present value of GM’s pension liabilities rise significantly) and more early retirements at GM, increasing the number of beneficiaries. Suddenly, the pension plan was $17.1 billion in the hole.
“We’ve got to get this company to where the economics, everything, is driven around designing, selling and producing cars,” Liddell said. “Things like the pension plan don’t enter into the equation.”
Liddell said he believes GM can fully fund the pension plan within three years at which point, he plans to “de-risk” the portfolio by investing less in equities and real estate, and more in fixed income assets, which generally provide a lower rate of return. “Perfection to me would be where the assets exactly equal the liabilities in both their maturity and their risk profile,” he said.
He’s not expecting perfection, but he is expecting GM to operate debt-free in the future. It seems like forever that GM has been up to its neck in debt, including its pension and health care obligations to retirees. But it’s only in the past 15 years or so that GM has been highly leveraged. Before that, it was a AAA-rated company.
Now it’s working to get back there. It off-loaded retiree health care to a union trust fund in 2009, is working on the pension problem, and restructured the rest of its debt during its government-controlled bankruptcy. In 2010, GM lowered its debt from $14.2 billion to $5 billion, and reduced its $9 billion preferred share obligation to $7 billion. It obtained a $5 billion revolving credit loan, but Liddell said he doesn’t think GM will have to tap into it.
Perfection? No. But progress, yes.
I agree, it's not perfect but it's progress. GM is doing the right thing by topping up its pension plan now that times are good. If they can reach fully funded status in three years, so much the better. Of course that entirely depends on where markets are heading. In the meantime, GM can focus on its core business and hope that car sales pick up steadily in the next few years.
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